2007 publications supported by the Fungal Research Trust directly or indirectly
Hope WW, Drusano G, Moore CB, Sharp A, Louie A, Walsh TJ, Denning DW, Warn PA. Effect of neutropenia and treatment delay on the response to antifungal drugs in experimental invasive candidiasis. Antimicrob Ag Chemother 2007;51:285-95.
Rodriguez-Tudela JL, Donnelly JP, Pfaller MA, Chryssantou E, Warn P, Denning DW, Espinel-Ingroff A, Barchiesi F, Cuenca-Estrella M. Statistical analyses of correlation for fluconazole minimal inhibitory concentrations and Candida spp. for standard methodologies of EUCAST (E.Dis. 7.1) and CLSI (M27 A2). J Clin Microbiol 2007; 45:109-11.
Pasqualotto AC, Denning DW, Anderson MJ. A cautionary tale: the lack of consistency in allele sizes between two laboratories for a published Multi-Locus Microsatellite Typing (MLMT) system. J Clin Microbiol 2007;45:522-8.
Pasqualotto AC, Denning DW. Generic substitution of itraconazole resulting in clinical failure and resistance. Int J Antimicrob Ag 2007;30:93-4.
Vaid M, Savneet Kaur S, Sambatakou H, Madan T, Denning DW, Sarma PU. Association of distinct alleles of MBL and SP-A with chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2007;45:183-6.
Hedayati M, Pasquallotto A, Warn PA, Bowyer P, Denning DW. Aspergillus flavus: human pathogen, allergen and mycotoxin producer. Microbiology 2007;153:1677-92.
Hope WW, Shoham S, Walsh TJ. The pharmacology and clinical use of caspofungin. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2007 3:263-74.
Hope WW, Kruhlak MJ, Lyman CA, Petraitiene R, Petraitis V, Francesconi A, Kasai M, Mickiene D, Sein T, Peter J, Kelaher AM, Hughes JE, Cotton MP, Cotten CJ, Bacher J, Tripathi S, Bermudez L, Maugel TK, Zerfas PM, Wingard JR, Drusano GL, Walsh TJ. Pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus and the kinetics of galactomannan in an in vitro model of early invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: implications for antifungal therapy. J Infect Dis 2007;195:455-66.
Pasqualotto AC, Howard S, Moore CB, Denning DW. Flucytosine therapeutic monitoring: 15-years experience from the United Kingdom. J Antimicrob Chemother 2007:59:791-3.
Hope WW, Warn PA, Sharp A, Reed P, Keevil B, Louie A, Walsh TJ, Denning DW, Drusano G. Optimization of the dosage of 5-fluorocytosine in combination with amphotericin B for disseminated candidiasis: a pharmacodynamic rationale for reduced dosing. Antimicrob Ag Chemother 2007; 51:3760-2.
Rosa D, Pasquallotto A, Denning DW. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and oesophageal cancer. Med Mycol 2007;45: Aug 28:1-7.
Schröeder R, Michelon T, Wurdig J, Fagundes I, Schio S, Sanchez L, Camargo JJ, Sukkienik TC, Pasqualotto AC, Neumann J. The incidence of cytomegalovirus infection in lung transplant recipients under universal prophylaxis with intravenous ganciclovir. Braz J Infect Dis 2007;11:212-4.
Pasqualotto AC, de Moraes AB, Zanini RR, Severo LC. Analysis of independent risk factors for death among pediatric patients with candidemia and a central venous catheter in place. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2007;28:799-804.
Aquino VR, Goldani LZ, Pasqualotto AC. Update on the contribution of galactomannan for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis. Mycopathologia 2007;163:191-202.
Rosa DD, Pasqualotto AC, Schwartsmann G. The egos and the goals of reporting results. Oral Dis 2007; 13:251.
Rokas A, Payne G, Federova ND, Baker SE, Machida M, Yu J, Georgianna DR, Dean RA, Bhatnagar D, Cleveland TE, Wortman JR, Maiti R, Joardar V, Amedeo P, Denning DW, Nierman WC. What can comparative genomics tell us about species concepts in the genus Aspergillus? Mycol Res 2007;59:11-17.